The Nazi Dictatorship (RLE Responding to Fascism) (Hardcover)
作者: Roy Pascal 
分類: European history ,
Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900  
書城編號: 690240

售價: $2030.00

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出版社: Routledge Academic
出版日期: 2010/04
ISBN: 9780415580786
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Faced with a political movement that was effectively unparalleled many observers found it extremely difficult to work out exactly what kind of regime they were dealing with: whose interests did it serve? First published in 1934, The Nazi Dictatorship argues both that the Nazi regime represented a clear break from pre-War ‘Prussian militarism’ and that it was not a passing fad. It describes a ‘State of Monopoly Capitalism’ in which large scale industrial and financial interests are paramount.


1. The German Revolution of 1918 2. The Weimer Republic 3. The Crisis 4. The Organisation of the National Socialist Party 5. The Theory of National Socialism 6. Hitler is Inducted to Power 7. The Vision of the Corporate State 8. Hitler Takes Over Power 9. The Economic Structure of the National-Socialist State 10. The Organisation of Social Life 11. The Present Situation Index

Roy Pascal 作者作品表

eBook: Design and Truth in Autobiography (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Design and Truth in Autobiography (DRM PDF)

eBook: Nazi Dictatorship (RLE Responding to Fascism) (DRM PDF)

eBook: Nazi Dictatorship (RLE Responding to Fascism) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Nazi Dictatorship (RLE Responding to Fascism) (DRM PDF)

The Nazi Dictatorship (RLE Responding to Fascism) (Hardcover)

eBook: Nazi Dictatorship (RLE Responding to Fascism) (DRM PDF)

eBook: Nazi Dictatorship (RLE Responding to Fascism) (DRM EPUB)

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