Life with God Bible-OE (paperback)
作者: Richard J. Foster 
分類: Bibles  
書城編號: 731168

原價: HK$532.00
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出版社: HarperOne
出版日期: 2009/08/04
重量: 0.74 kg
ISBN: 9780061834967


Rediscover Scripture as living text and learn to live a "with-God life"

The NRSV Life with God Bible combines the depth of a study Bible with the warmth of a devotional Bible, offering a new way to discover the full riches of the Scriptures. According to Richard Foster, bestselling author (Celebration of Discipline) and the project's editor, the Bible is all about human life "with God." As we read Scripture, we should consider how God is with us in each story and allow ourselves to be spiritually transformed. Many people are looking for a new way to read the Bible, not as a text to be mastered. but as a story to enter into and a lifestyle to pursue.

This unique Bible, spearheaded by Foster and author Dallas Willard (The Divine Conspiracy), introduces the concept of life with God - or the "with-God life" - a model for seeing the whole of Scripture as the unfolding story of God's plan for our loving relationship with the Creator. This central theme weaves throughout the essays, introductions, notes, and exercises, powerfully revealing how God is present to his people today and throughout history.

Yet our relationship with God should not be passive. Concrete practices - Spiritual Disciplines - have been used throughout church history to guide disciples of Jesus. The NRSV Life with God Bible integrates the Spiritual Disciplines into the Christian life by showing how they are central to the Bible's teachings and stories. Abraham and Ruth, Moses and Deborah, Jesus and the disciples all provide amazing examples of the life-changing power of prayer, worship, fasting, celebration, and many other Spiritual Disciplines. Scripture thus becomes a primary means for the discovery, instruction, and practice of these disciplines as well as a tool for spiritual formation. Combining the highest possible biblical scholarship with the deepest possible heart devotion, this NRSV Bible seeks to nourish inner transformation by unlocking and revealing the profound resources within Scripture for changing our hearts and characters and bringing them in line with what God wants for our lives.


  • Complete text of the New Revised Standard Version (66-book Protestant canon), vetted by an ecumenical pool of Christian academics and renowned for its beautiful balance of scholarship and readability
  • Previously published as The Renovar
Richard J. Foster 作者作品表

Learning Humility: A Year of Searching for a Vanishing Virtue (Compact Disc)

Learning Humility: A Year of Searching for a Vanishing Virtue (MP3 CD)

eBook: Learning Humility (DRM EPUB)

Learning Humility: A Year of Searching for a Vanishing Virtue (Hardcover)

eBook: Celebration of Discipline, Special Anniversary Edition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Year with God: Living Out the Spiritual Disciplines (DRM EPUB)


Sanctuary of the Soul: Journey Into Meditative Prayer

Sanctuary of the Soul

eBook: Sanctuary of the Soul (DRM EPUB)


eBook: Money Sex and Power Study Guide (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Streams of Living Water: Celebrating the Great Traditions of Christ (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Freedom of Simplicity: Revised Edition: Finding Harmony in a Complex World (DRM EPUB)

Life with God: Reading the Bible for Spiritual Transformation

eBook: Seeking the Kingdom: Devotions for the Daily Journey of Faith (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Richard J. Foster's Study Guide for "Celebration of Discipline" (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Prayer - 10th Anniversary Edition: Finding the Heart's True Home (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Life with God: Reading the Bible for Spiritual Transformation (DRM EPUB)

Life with God Bible-OE: With the Deuterocanonical Books (hardcover)

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