Shakespeare's Restless World: A Portrait of an Era in Twenty Objects (hardcover)
作者: Neil MacGregor 
書城編號: 732466

原價: HK$360.00
現售: HK$342 節省: HK$18

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出版社: Viking Books
出版日期: 2013/10/01
ISBN: 9780670026340
>> 相關電子書

Neil MacGregor 作者作品表

Allemagne: Memoires d'Une Nation (Paperback)

eBook: History of the World in 100 Objects: The landmark BBC Radio 4 series (mp3 zips)

eBook: Traind cu zeii (DRM EPUB)

As Others See Us (Hardcover)

Living with the Gods (Paperback)

eBook: Living with the Gods (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Living with the Gods: On Beliefs and Peoples (DRM EPUB)

Living with the Gods: On Beliefs and Peoples (Hardcover)

Living With The Gods (Hardcover)

Germany (Paperback)

eBook: Germany (DRM EPUB)

Germany: Memories of a Nation (Audio)

Shakespeare's Restless World (B-Trade Pbk)

Shakespeare's Restless World (Paperback)

eBook: Shakespeare's Restless World (DRM EPUB)

Shakespeare's Restless World: A Portrait of an Era in Twenty Objects (hardcover)

A History of the World in 100 Objects (B-Trade Pbk)

A History of the World in 100 Objects 6 copy counter display (S-Ctr Disp Sgl)

Shakespeare's Restless World (Paperback)

Shakespeare's Restless World (Hardcover)

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