National Geographic Readers: Abraham Lincoln (National Geographic Readers - Level 2 (Quality))
作者: Carrie Gilpin, Caroline Crosson Gilpin 
書城編號: 736462

原價: HK$50.00
現售: HK$47.5 節省: HK$2.5

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出版社: National Geographic Society
出版日期: 2012/12
頁數: 32
重量: 0.07 kg
ISBN: 9781426310850

The most effective method used to influence children to read is to incorporate the information that interests them the most. National Geographic Readers are educational, high-interest, and comprehensive for children. In this title, readers will learn about the fascinating life and legacy of our 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln and his historic decision to abolish slavery. Readers will also learn why this decision impacted the United States, as well as the extent of Lincoln's impact as a fearless leader of the Civil War.

In this level two biography, difficult concepts are made understandable and transitioned into a more approachable manner. This includes the use of sidebars, timetables, diagrams and fun facts to hold the interest of the young reader. The colorful design and educational illustrations round out this text as an exemplary book for their young minds to explore.

National Geographic supports K-12 educators with ELA Common Core Resources.
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