In Praise of Hands (Hardcover)
作者: Franco Cologni 
分類: Antiques & collectables: jewellery  
書城編號: 740511

原價: HK$900.00
現售: HK$855 節省: HK$45

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出版日期: 2013/09/10
尺寸: 340x294x32mm
重量: 1.95 kg
ISBN: 9788831714860


An homage to the many skilled hands behind the fabrication of Van Cleef & Arpels jewelry

A trip to the discovery of jewelry manufacturing. Founded in Paris in 1896, Van Cleef & Arpels is perhaps the most renowned maison of fine jewelry in the world. The book reveals for the first time the secrets of the Mains d'Or that make every piece by Van Cleef & Arpels a unique jewel. The human hand takes pride in its work, and with this book, Van Cleef & Arpels wish to pay homage to all those skilled and knowledgeable hands whose humility and selflessness make it possible for jewelry to exist. It is a life force, transmitted by jewelers, setters, polishers, and all those who are daily confronted by age-old and precious materials: shaping, transforming, and exalting them without ever betraying the reverence that a masterpiece should inspire.

Franco Cologni 作者作品表

The Cartier Tank Watch

Vacheron Constantin: The Artists of Time (hardcover)

In Praise of Hands (Hardcover)

Cartier: The Tank Watch (Hardcover)

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