Multiple Experiences of Modernity:Toward a Humanist Critique of Modernity
作者: Oliver Kozlarek 
系列: Reflections on (In) Humanity
書城編號: 762343

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: 臺大出版中心
出版日期: 2014/03
頁數: 228
ISBN: 9789860350449

   Contemporary theories of modernity recognize the plurality or“multiplicity” of modernities, which are often differentiated in terms of their institutional or cultural elements. Although such approaches are important, they fail to provide a clear understanding of the“human consequences” of modernity. Critical Theory, in contrast, has always centered its interest precisely on those human consequences. This book goes further, and looks at (a) the experiences of human beings in, and within, global modernity, and (b) the affinities and differences we can identify in these experiences. Also, while Critical Theory has been mainly interested in Western experiences, this book addresses other parts of the world as well, in an intercultural perspective.

Reflections on (In) Humanity

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Multiple Experiences of Modernity:Toward a Humanist Critique of Modernity

Oliver Kozlarek 作者作品表

eBook: Critical Humanism of the Frankfurt School as Social Critique (DRM PDF)

eBook: Critical Humanism of the Frankfurt School as Social Critique (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Vielfalt und Einheit der Kritischen Theorie - Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Vielfalt und Einheit der Kritischen Theorie - Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven (DRM PDF)

eBook: Postcolonial Reconstruction: A Sociological Reading of Octavio Paz (DRM PDF)

eBook: Octavio Paz: Humanism and Critique (DRM PDF)

Multiple Experiences of Modernity:Toward a Humanist Critique of Modernity

eBook: Moderne als Weltbewusstsein: Ideen fur eine humanistische Sozialtheorie in der globalen Moderne (DRM PDF)

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