Thea Stilton #19: Thea Stilton and the Chocolate Sabotage
作者: Thea Stilton 
書城編號: 770143

原價: HK$90.00
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出版社: Scholastic Paperbacks
出版日期: 2014/05/27
頁數: 176
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9780545646567

Join Thea Stilton and the Thea Sisters on an adventure packed with mystery and friendship

The Thea Sisters are visiting a friend in Ecuador who has a sweet job -- he runs a chocolate factory His factory is in the running for a major award for its environmental methods. But suddenly, chocolate production starts to malfunction. Is it sabotage? It's up to the Thea Sisters to solve this mouthwatering mystery
Thea Stilton 作者作品表

The Search for the Secret Garden (Thea Stilton #38) (Paperback)

The Ghost of the Woods (Thea Stilton #37) (Paperback)

Cave of Stars (Thea Stilton #36) (Paperback)

Ready, Set, Evolve! Handbook (Pokémon) (Media Tie-In): With Lenticular Stickers (Paperback)

Thea Stilton and the Race for the Gold (Thea Stilton #31) (paperback)

The Compass of the Stars (Thea Stilton and the Treasure Seekers #2) (hardcover)

Thea Stilton 2-In-1: A Song for the Thea Sisters and the Thea Sisters and the Secret Treasure Hunt (paperback)

Mouseford Academy #16: The Royal Ball

Black Forest Burglary (paperback)

TSSE #8: The Dance of the Star Fairies

Mouseford Academy #14: The Secret Notebook

The Phantom of the Orchestra (Thea Stilton) (Paperback)

The Friendship Recipe (paperback)

TS & the Treasure Seekers #1

Thea Stilton 3-in-1 #2 (Paperback)

TSSE #7: The Secret of the Crystal Fairies

Thea Stilton and the Niagara Splash (Thea Stilton #27): A Geronimo Stilton Adventure

Thea Stilton 3-in-1 (Paperback)

Thea Stilton Graphic Novels #8 (Hardcover)

TS #26: Thea Stilton and the Venice Masquerade

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