A Crankenstein Valentine (Hardcover Book)
作者: Samantha Berger 
書城編號: 782876

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
出版日期: 2014/12/16
頁數: 40
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9780316376389

Even the crankiest monsters have hearts in this monstrously funny Valentine tale from fan favorite author Samantha Berger and bestselling, award-winning illustrator Dan Santat.

An ordinary kid becomes Crankenstein on the most lovey-dovey, yuckiest day of the year: Valentine's Day. Cheesy cards, allergy-inducing bouquets, and heart-shaped everything? YECHHHH! It's enough to turn anyone into a monster!

In this third entry into the beloved Crankenstein series, see if our grumpy little hero can make a sour day sweet and find a little love in his heart!

Don't miss the other books about Crankenstein!
Trick or Treat, Crankenstein

Samantha Berger 作者作品表

A Crankenstein Valentine (Paperback)

Find the Kind: Welcome to Kindness County! (Hardcover)

The Great Big Poop Party (hardcover)

ABCs of Kindness (hardcover)

Crankenstein Valentine (Hardcover)

A Crankenstein Valentine (Hardcover Book)

Crankenstein (Board Book)

Crankenstein (Hardcover Book)

Martha doesn't share! (Audiobook)

Martha doesn't say sorry! (Audiobook)

Martha doesn't share! (Hardcover Book)

Princess Potty [With Sticker(s) and Punch-Out(s)] (paperback)

Pirate Potty [With Sticker(s) and Punch-Out(s)] (paperback)

Martha doesn't say sorry! (Hardcover Book)

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