The Danish Girl (B-Trade Pbk)
作者: David Ebershoff 
書城編號: 829935

原價: HK$160.00
現售: HK$152 節省: HK$8

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出版社: Penguin Books
出版日期: 2001/02/01
頁數: 304
尺寸: 8.00x5.52 cm
重量: 0.23 kg
ISBN: 9780140298482
>> 相關電子書

National Bestseller * A New York Times Notable Book * Winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Transgender Fiction * Winner of the Rosenthal Foundation Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters * Finalist for the New York Public Library Young Lions Award * Finalist for the American Library Association Stonewall Book Award

Now an Academy Award-winning major motion picture, starring Academy Award-winners Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Vikander and directed by Academy Award-winner Tom Hooper

Loosely inspired by a true story, this tender portrait of marriage asks: What do you do when the person you love has to change? It starts with a question, a simple favor asked by a wife of her husband while both are painting in their studio, setting off a transformation neither can anticipate. Uniting fact and fiction into an original romantic vision, The Danish Girl eloquently portrays the unique intimacy that defines every marriage and the remarkable story of Lili Elbe, a pioneer in transgender history, and the woman torn between loyalty to her marriage and her own ambitions and desires. The Danish Girl's lush prose and generous emotional insight make it, after the last page is turned, a deeply moving first novel about one of the most passionate and unusual love stories of the 20th century.

David Ebershoff 作者作品表

eBook: The Danish Girl (DRM EPUB)

Danish Girl (Paperback)

The Danish Girl: A Novel (Movie Tie-In) (Paperback)

eBook: Rose City (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Danish Girl (DRM EPUB)


eBook: 19th Wife (Random House Reader's Circle Deluxe Reading Group Edition) (DRM EPUB)

The Danish Girl (Compact Disc)

eBook: Pasadena (DRM EPUB)

The 19th Wife (paperback)

19th Wife (Paperback)

eBook: 19th Wife (DRM EPUB)

Pasadena (Paperback)

eBook: Rose City (DRM EPUB)

The Rose City (B-Trade Pbk)

The Rose City (Paperback)

eBook: Danish Girl (DRM EPUB)

The Danish Girl (B-Trade Pbk)

Danish Girl (Paperback)

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