Whose Bible Is It? (B-Trade Pbk)
作者: Jaroslav Pelikan 
書城編號: 837974

原價: HK$240.00
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出版社: Penguin Books
出版日期: 2006/01/31
尺寸: 8.45x5.57 cm
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9780143036777
>> 相關電子書

Jaroslav Pelikan, widely regarded as one of the most distinguished historians of our day, now provides a clear and engaging account of the Bible's journey from oral narrative to Hebrew and Greek text to today's countless editions. Pelikan explores the evolution of the Jewish, Protestant, and Catholic versions and the development of the printing press and its effect on the Reformation, the translation into modern languages, and varying schools of critical scholarship. Whose Bible Is It? is a triumph of scholarship that is also a pleasure to read.
Jaroslav Pelikan 作者作品表

Fools for Christ: Essays on the True, the Good, and the Beautiful (Classic Reprint) (Paperback)

Luther the Expositor (Hardcover)

Imago Dei (Paperback)

Whose Bible Is It?: A History of the Scriptures through the Ages (Paperback)

eBook: Whose Bible Is It? (DRM EPUB)

Whose Bible Is It? (B-Trade Pbk)

Divine Rhetoric (Paperback)

Jesus Through the Centuries (Paperback)

Eternal Feminines (Hardcover)

Eternal Feminines (Paperback)

Finality of Jesus Christ (Paperback)

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