The Time Regulation Institute (B-Trade PBK Org)
作者: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar, Alexander (Translator) Dawe, Maureen (Translator) Freely 
書城編號: 838569

原價: HK$210.00
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出版社: Penguin Classics
出版日期: 2014/01/07
尺寸: 7.81x5.20 cm
重量: 0.39 kg
ISBN: 9780143106739
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"A literary discovery: an uproarious tragicomedy of modernization, in its first-ever English translation. Perhaps the greatest Turkish novel of the twentieth century, being discovered around the world only now, more than fifty years after its first publication, The Time Regulation Institute is an antic, freewheeling send-up of the modern bureaucratic state. At its center is Hayri Irdal, an infectiously charming antihero who becomes entangled with an eccentric cast of characters-a television mystic, a pharmacist who dabbles in alchemy, a dignitary from the lost Ottoman Empire, a "clock whisperer"-at the Time Regulation Institute, a vast organization that employs a hilariously intricate system of fines for the purpose of changing all the clocks in Turkey to Western time. Recounted in sessions with his psychoanalyst, the story of Hayri Irdal's absurdist misadventures plays out as a brilliant allegory of the collision of tradition and modernity, of East and West, infused with a poignant blend of hope for the promise of modernity and nostalgia for a simpler time"--
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar 作者作品表

Manashanti (Paperback)

Yasadigim Gibi (Paperback)

Mahur Beste (Paperback)

Taas Vaje Zanana (Paperback)

Time Regulation Institute (Paperback)

eBook: Time Regulation Institute (DRM EPUB)

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