Learning English with Regina IV──正「識」英語
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2014/07 |
9789888287345 |
商品簡介 |
葉太英文好,係人都知道!是以《Learning English with Regina》由第一冊添食至第四冊,歷久不衰!葉太每場教授英語文法的講座,均座無虛席,但見在座人人拿著筆和記事簿,認真聆聽,小心做筆記,便知道大家都渴望從葉太這個英語寶庫中,學到一招半式,傍身備用!
《Learning English with Regina》系列來到第四冊,正名為《正「識」英語》,有讓讀者正式地認識英語的意思,葉太可謂用心良苦,期望讀者真的能從本書內容當中,了解到正確的英語文法,也學習到英文寫作的趣妙之處!
Part 1 Chapter 1英語運用淺談 Chapter 2基礎英語要學好 Chapter 3常犯的錯誤 Chapter 4慣用語、片語
Part 2 Chapter 1從政評文章學英語 Chapter 2從社評文章學英語
Regina IP LAU Suk Yee Regina Ip is a First Class Honor graduate in English of the University of Hong Kong in 1972. Her passion for learning drove her to study for three master degrees at different stages of her life: Master of Letters in Renaissance Poetry at the University of Glasgow, Sloan Management Program at Stanford University and more recently a Master of Art in East Asian Studies at Stanford University. She joined the Hong Kong Government in 1975, rising to the position of Secretary for Security and resigned in 2003. On her return from further studies in the US, she established a think tank, Savantas Policy Institute, in July 2006. She was elected as Member of the Fourth Legislative Council (LegCo) in September 2008 and was re-elected in 2012. She founded New People’s Party (NPP) in 2010, and was appointed as Non-Official Member of the Executive Council (ExCo) in 2012. She now divides her time between serving on ExCo and LegCo, running NPP and Savantas, conducting policy analysis, writing her columns, and undertaking various forms of non-paid public service. |