Corpus Approaches to Evaluation: Phraseology and Evaluative Language (Routledge Advances in Corpus Linguistics)
作者: Susan Hunston 
分類: Discourse analysis ,
Lexicography ,
Literature: history & criticism ,
Applied linguistics for ELT  
書城編號: 886248

售價: $588.00

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出版社: Routledge Academic
出版日期: 2013/02/14
頁數: 212
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9780415836517


This book applies a set of corpus investigation techniques to the study of evaluation, or stance, or affect, in naturally-occurring discourse. Evaluative language indicates opinions, attitudes, and judgments. It is an important part of activities such as persuading someone that a particular viewpoint is correct, or in constructing knowledge from a different number of theories. This book argues that phraseology--regularities or patterns in language identifiable from corpus studies--is important to the study of evaluative language. It makes a number of more specific arguments: that modal meaning is expressed through particular phrases and not only through modal verbs; that figurative phrases are used to intensify evaluation; and that patterns of use may be exploited to achieve an automatic identification of evaluations. It also builds on the author's previous work in exploring how films and journalism use language and images to build knowledge from ideas.

Susan Hunston 作者作品表

eBook: Corpora in Applied Linguistics (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Corpora in Applied Linguistics (DRM PDF)

Corpus Approaches to Evaluation: Phraseology and Evaluative Language (Routledge Advances in Corpus Linguistics)

eBook: Corpus Approaches to Evaluation: Phraseology and Evaluative Language (DRM PDF)

eBook: Corpus Approaches to Evaluation: Phraseology and Evaluative Language (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Corpus Approaches to Evaluation: Phraseology and Evaluative Language (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Corpus Approaches to Evaluation: Phraseology and Evaluative Language (DRM PDF)

Introducing Applied Linguistics (Paperback)

Corpora in Applied Linguistics Paperback

Evaluation in Text (Paperback)

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