Anno's Counting Book (hardcover)
作者: Mitsumasa Anno 
分類: Early learning: numbers & counting  
書城編號: 886990

原價: HK$200.00
現售: HK$190 節省: HK$10

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出版社: Crowell
出版日期: 1977/03/01
頁數: 32
重量: 0.38 kg
ISBN: 9780690012873


A simple, beautiful introduction to math for the youngest readers

Every child is a natural mathematician, according to Mitsumasa Anno. Children are constantly comparing and classifying things and events they observe around them. As they try to bring sense and order into what they observe, they are actually performing basic mathematical feats.

With Anno's Counting Book, the creator of the brilliantly inventive Anno's Alphabet invites young readers on another stimulating adventure of the imagination--this time into the world of numbers and counting.

Gentle watercolor pictures show a landscape changing through the various times of day and the turning seasons, months and years, and the activities of the people and animals who come to live there. But the seemingly simple plan of the book is deceptive: look more carefully and you will see one-to-one correspondences; groups and sets; scales and tabulations; changes over time periods; and many other mathematical relationships as they occur in natural, everyday living. The reader is subtly led to see and understand the real meaning of numbers.

Look at this book and look again. Each time you do so, you will find another application of a natural mathematical concept that you had not noticed before.

Mitsumasa Anno 作者作品表

Anno's Magic Seeds (paperback)

Anno's Magic Seeds (B-HC Picture bk)

Anno's Journey SAN (B-PA Picture bk)

Anno's Counting Book Big Book (paperback)

Anno's Math Games 3 (B-HC Picture bk)

Anno's Medieval World (B-HC Picture bk)

All in a Day (B-Guartd bind)

Anno's Math Games 2 (B-HC Picture bk)

Anno's Faces (B-HC Picture bk)

Topsy Turvies (B-HC Picture bk)

Anno's Peekaboo (B-HC Picture bk)

Anno's Math Games (B-HC Picture bk)

Anno's Counting Book (paperback)

Anno's Hat Tricks (B-HC Picture bk)

Anno's U.S.A. (B-HC Picture bk)

Anno's Italy (B-HC Picture bk)

Anno's Count House (B-HC Picture bk)

Anno's Journey (B-HC Picture bk)

Anno's Counting Book (hardcover)

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