Mental health (Paperback)
作者: Jeremy Weinstein 
分類: Care of the mentally ill  
書城編號: 893422

售價: $168.00

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出版社: Policy Press
出版日期: 2014/03/01
尺寸: 198x129x6mm
重量: 57 grams
ISBN: 9781447316176
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Mental health social work is at an impasse. On the one hand, the emphasis in recent policy documents on the social roots of much mental distress, and in the recovery approaches popular with service users seems to indicate an important role for a holistic social work practice. On the other hand, social workers have often been excluded from these initiatives and the dominant approach within mental health continues to be a medical one, albeit supplemented by short-term psychological interventions. In this short form book, part of the Critical and Radical Debates in Social Work series, Jeremy Weinstein draws on case studies and his own experience as a mental health social worker, to develop a model of practice that draws on notions of alienation, anti-discriminatory practice and the need for both workers and service users to find 'room to breathe' in an environment shaped by managerialism and marketisation.
Jeremy Weinstein 作者作品表

Mental health (Paperback)

eBook: Mental Health (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Working with Loss, Death and Bereavement: A Guide for Social Workers (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Working with Loss, Death and Bereavement: A Guide for Social Workers (DRM PDF)

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