Gray's Anatomy (Hardcover)
作者: Henry Gray 
分類: Anatomy  
書城編號: 910368

原價: HK$252.00
現售: HK$239.4 節省: HK$12.6

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出版社: Arcturus Publishing Ltd
出版日期: 2013/09/01
尺寸: 0x0x0mm
重量: 1.18 kg
ISBN: 9781782124269

Written in the 1850s by a young doctor, Henry Gray, Gray's Anatomy was the most comprehensive and accessible anatomy of its time. This beautifully produced slipcased volume contains the historic text of the second edition and all of Henry Vandyke Carter's masterly drawings. It is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the history of medicine or in the amazingly complex machine that is the human body.
Henry Gray 作者作品表

Henry Gray's Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical (Hardcover)

Henry Gray's Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical (Paperback)

Gray's Anatomy Coloring Book: Images to Color from the Classic 1860 Edition (Paperback)

Anatomy Descriptive and Surgical (Paperback)

Gray's Anatomy: The Classic 1860 Edition with Original Illustrations by Henry Carter (Hardcover)

Gray's Anatomy: With Original Illustrations by Henry Carter (Hardcover)

On the Structure and Use of the Spleen (Hardcover)

On the Structure and Use of the Spleen (Paperback)

eBook: Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical (DRM PDF)

Gray's Anatomy (Paperback)

eBook: Gray's Anatomy (Illustrated With 1247 Coloured Well Drawing Engrawings): [Autobiography & Book's History & Index Added] (DRM EPUB)

Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical (Paperback)

Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical (Paperback)

Gray's Anatomy (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Omnibus Edition) (Hardcover)

Gray's Anatomy Coloring Book (Hardcover)

Gray's Anatomy (Hardcover)

Gray's Anatomy (Hardcover)

Gray's Anatomy (Hardcover)

Anatomy (Hardcover)

eBook: Gray's Anatomy-II: Complete, Illustrated With 1247 Original Coloured Drawings (DRM EPUB)

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