Norwich City Miscellany (Hardcover)
作者: Edward Couzens-Lake 
分類: Sports teams & clubs ,
Football (Soccer, Association football) ,
書城編號: 924964

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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出版社: Pitch Publishing Ltd
出版日期: 2010/10/05
尺寸: 196x124x24mm
重量: 246 grams
ISBN: 9781905411702

Norwich City Miscellany collects together all the vital information you never knew you needed to know about the Canaries. In these pages you will find irresistible anecdotes and the most mindblowing stats and facts. Heard the one about the first Brazilian-born player in English football? How about the stand built on the site of an ancient hunting camp, dating back to 11,500BC? Or the fashion designer who was worried about City getting his kit muddy? Do you know which 'England Manager' led City to the Mr Clutch Cup? Which winger was locked in the toilet by his team-mates for a four-hour away coach trip? Or how many days it took to build the new stadium on Carrow Road? All these stories and hundreds more appear in a brilliantly researched collection of trivia - essential for any Canaries fan who holds the riches of the club's history close to their heart.
Edward Couzens-Lake 作者作品表

eBook: Never Mind the Canaries 2 (DRM EPUB)

Never Mind the Canaries 2: Another Ultimate Norwich City Quiz Book (Paperback)

eBook: Keep Out!: Britain's Forbidden Places (DRM EPUB)

Keep Out! (Paperback)

Norwich City The Noughties (Paperback)

Beneath the Restless Wave (Hardcover)

Ruins and Follies of East Anglia (Paperback)

eBook: Ruins and Follies of East Anglia (DRM EPUB)

Norwich City The Nineties (Paperback)

eBook: A149 Landmarks (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mapping the Pitch (DRM PDF)

Mapping the Pitch Football Formations Through the Ages (Paperback)

Norwich City the Eighties (Paperback)

eBook: Norwich City The Seventies (DRM EPUB)

Norwich City Miscellany (Hardcover)

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