Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy: An Agenda for Growth and Shared Prosperity (paperback)
作者: Joseph E. Stiglitz 
分類: Economic theory & philosophy ,
Public finance ,
書城編號: 976884

原價: HK$160.00
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出版社: W. W. Norton & Company
出版日期: 2015/11/02
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9780393353129


Inequality is a choice.

The United States bills itself as the land of opportunity, a place where anyone can achieve success and a better life through hard work and determination. But the facts tell a different story--the U.S. today lags behind most other developed nations in measures of inequality and economic mobility. For decades, wages have stagnated for the majority of workers while economic gains have disproportionately gone to the top one percent. Education, housing, and health care--essential ingredients for individual success--are growing ever more expensive. Deeply rooted structural discrimination continues to hold down women and people of color, and more than one-fifth of all American children now live in poverty. These trends are on track to become even worse in the future.

Some economists claim that today's bleak conditions are inevitable consequences of market outcomes, globalization, and technological progress. If we want greater equality, they argue, we have to sacrifice growth. This is simply not true. American inequality is the result of misguided structural rules that actually constrict economic growth. We have stripped away worker protections and family support systems, created a tax system that rewards short-term gains over long-term investment, offered a de facto public safety net to too-big-to-fail financial institutions, and chosen monetary and fiscal policies that promote wealth over full employment.

Joseph E. Stiglitz 作者作品表

The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society (Paperback)

eBook: Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society (DRM EPUB)

The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society (MP3 CD)

The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society (Compact Disc)

eBook: Measuring What Counts: The Global Movement for Well-Being (DRM PDF)

eBook: Measuring What Counts: The Global Movement for Well-Being (DRM EPUB)

eBook: For Good Measure: An Agenda for Moving Beyond GDP (DRM EPUB)

eBook: For Good Measure: An Agenda for Moving Beyond GDP (DRM PDF)

eBook: Selected Works of Joseph E. Stiglitz: Volume III: Rethinking Microeconomics (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Selected Works of Joseph E. Stiglitz: Volume III: Rethinking Microeconomics (DRM PDF)

People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent (Compact Disc)

People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent (MP3 CD)

eBook: People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent (DRM EPUB)

The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe

The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe

The Great Divide: Unequal Societies and What We Can Do about Them (paperback)

eBook: Towards a General Theory of Deep Downturns: Presidential Address from the 17th World Congress of the International Economic Association in 2014

Contemporary Issues in Macroeconomics: Lessons from the Crisis and Beyond (hardcover)

Towards a General Theory of Deep Downturns: Presidential Address from the 17th World Congress of the International Economic Association in 2014 (hardc

Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy: An Agenda for Growth and Shared Prosperity (hardcover)

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