The New Seaweed Cookbook, Second Edition: Over 100 Gluten and Dairy Free Recipes for an Anti-Inflammatory, Nutrient Dense Diet (paperback)
作者: Crystal June Maderia 
書城編號: 977467

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: North Atlantic Books
出版日期: 2015/11/10
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781583949863
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This beautifully illustrated new edition of The New Seaweed Cookbook is a must-have collection of 106 delicious recipes featuring the rich and deeply nourishing flavors of sea vegetables of all kinds. Known for its healing properties in detoxifying the body and reducing inflammation, seaweed is the most abundant food on Earth--a nutrient-dense super food with a long history of medicinal uses.

Author and chef Crystal June Maderia provides exciting options--such as Hijiki Caviar; Roast Lamb with Mint, Arame, and Kumquat Jam; Maple Toffee with Black Cumin--for vegans and meat-eaters and everyone in between. Her recipes are formulated to complement healing diets--including those suggested for arthritis, autism, fibromyalgia, celiac disease, and dairy and wheat intolerances--and are free from ingredients commonly identified with sensitivities, intolerances, and allergens.

With easy-to-follow instructions and easy-to-find ingredients, Maderia's recipes will awaken taste buds with their unique flavors of sea vegetables. Rich dark greens, purples, and blacks of a variety of sea vegetables accentuate other flavors while providing concentrated nutritional value and a diverse range of minerals essential to achieving and maintaining optimal health. B-vitamin folate, magnesium, iron, calcium, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, iodine, and lignans deliver nourishment to the hormonal, lymphatic, urinary, circulatory, and nervous systems while soothing the digestive tract, dissoving fatty build-ups in the body, and protecting cells from cancer and radiation. Get your fill of the ocean's leafy greens and bring the serious umami of wakame, nori, and kelp into your cooking repertoire.

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