Augustine: Conversions to Confessions (hardcover)
作者: Robin Lane Fox 
書城編號: 981675

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版社: Basic Books
出版日期: 2015/11/03
重量: 1 kg
ISBN: 9780465022274

"This narrative of the first half of Augustine's life conjures the intellectual and social milieu of the late Roman Empire with a Proustian relish for detail." -- New York Times

In Augustine, celebrated historian Robin Lane Fox follows Augustine of Hippo on his journey to the writing of his Confessions. Unbaptized, Augustine indulged in a life of lust before finally confessing and converting. Lane Fox recounts Augustine's sexual sins, his time in an outlawed heretical sect, and his gradual return to spirituality. Magisterial and beautifully written, Augustine is the authoritative portrait of this colossal figure at his most thoughtful, vulnerable, and profound.

Robin Lane Fox 作者作品表

Homer and His Iliad (Paperback)

Homer and His Iliad (Hardcover)

eBook: Homer and His Iliad (DRM EPUB)

Homer and His Iliad (Hardcover)

The Invention of Medicine: From Homer to Hippocrates (Paperback)

The Invention of Medicine: From Homer to Hippocrates (Hardcover)

eBook: Invention of Medicine: From Homer to Hippocrates (DRM EPUB)

Kiftsgate Court Gardens (Hardcover)

Augustine (Paperback)

Augustine: Conversions to Confessions (CD) (paperback)

Augustine: Conversions to Confessions (MP3 - CD) (paperback)

Augustine (Hardcover)

eBook: Augustine: Conversions and Confessions (DRM EPUB)

Augustine: Conversions to Confessions (hardcover)

Thoughtful Gardening (Paperback)

Thoughtful Gardening (Hardcover)

Travelling Heroes (Paperback)

eBook: Travelling Heroes (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Travelling Heroes: Greeks and their myths in the epic age of Homer (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Alexander the Great (DRM EPUB)

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