The Arduino Project Handbook: 45 Illustrated Projects for the Complete Beginner (paperback)
作者: Mark Geddes 
分類: Automatic control engineering ,
Computer programming / software development  
書城編號: 982815

原價: HK$336.00
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出版社: No Starch Press
出版日期: 2016/06/01
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9781593276904
>> 相關電子書

Arduino Project Handbook is a beginner-friendly collection of electronics projects using the low-cost Arduino board. With just a handful of components, an Arduino, and a computer, you'll learn to build and program everything from light shows to arcade games to an ultrasonic security system.

First you'll get set up with an introduction to the Arduino and valuable advice on tools and components. Then you can work through the book in order or just jump to projects that catch your eye. Each project includes simple instructions, colorful photos and circuit diagrams, and all necessary code.

Arduino Project Handbook is a fast and fun way to get started with micro-controllers that's perfect for beginners, hobbyists, parents, and educators.

Uses the Arduino Uno board.

Mark Geddes 作者作品表

Arduino Project Handbook, Volume 2 (Paperback)

eBook: Arduino Project Handbook, Volume 2 (DRM EPUB)

The Arduino Project Handbook: 45 Illustrated Projects for the Complete Beginner (paperback)

eBook: Arduino Project Handbook (DRM EPUB)


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