The Fluency Factor: Authentic Instruction and Assessment for Reading Success in the Common Core Classroom (paperback)
作者: Timothy Rasinski 
分類: Teaching of a specific subject  
書城編號: 983922

售價: $320.00

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出版社: Teachers College Press
出版日期: 2015/11/27
重量: 0.23 kg
ISBN: 9780807757475


Reading fluency has been identified in the Common Core State Standards as a foundational competency for reading proficiency. This resource provides teachers with approaches to fluency instruction that are effective, engaging, and easy to implement. The authors begin with a comprehensive definition of reading fluency, a discussion of why fluency has fallen out of favor in recent years, and evidence of its importance to literacy instruction. They follow up with authentic approaches to reading fluency that teachers and literacy interventionists can immediately use to improve students' overall proficiency in reading. A unique feature of the book is the participation sections "What Do You Think?" and "What We Think," which challenge the reader to engage in issues related to fluency--from concept, to assessment, to instruction--and then compare their views to those of the authors. This important new book updates and adds to Timothy Rasinski's classic text, The Fluent Reader.

Book Features:

  • Vignettes of teachers implementing research-based fluency instruction.
  • Teaching strategies and classroom activities to help struggling readers.
  • Full descriptions of the authors' original, highly successful approaches to improving fluency.
  • Resources for assessment and instruction of reading fluency.
  • A new concept of reading instruction as an art as well as a science.
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