African Theatre 14: Contemporary Women (paperback)
作者: Martin Banham 
分類: Theatre studies ,
Gender studies: women ,
書城編號: 984201

原價: HK$300.00
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出版社: James Currey
出版日期: 2015/11/19
重量: 0.19 kg
ISBN: 9781847011312
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Looks at the lives, challenges and contributions of African women from across the continent to making and participating in theatre in the 21st century.

Drawing on expertise from across the African continent this collection reflects the realities for women working and making theatre: how Egyptian director Dalia Basiouny has documented the "Tahrir Stories" of the Egyptian Revolution; how in Uganda women have used various theatrical devices, such as oral poetry, to seek common ground in a rural-urban inter-generational theatre project; and the use of physical theatre to examine disavowed memory in South Africa. The contributors also look at how practitioners are re-thinking performance space and modes of performance for gendered advocacy in Botswanan theatre, and how women are addressing gender-based violence and rape culture, comparing performance and street-based activism in South Africa and India. A particular strength of the volume is its interviews: with Jalila Baccar of Tunisia, by Marvin Carlson; six Ethiopian actresses are interviewed and introduced by Jane Plastow and Mahlet Solomon; and Ariane Zaytzeff explores "Making art to reinvent culture" with Odile Gakire Katese of Rwanda. The new play to be published is The Sentence by Sefi Atta, introduced and contextualized by Christine Matzke.

Series Editors: Martin Banham, Emeritus Professor of Drama & Theatre Studies, University of Leeds; James Gibbs, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, University of the West of England; Femi Osofisan, Professor of Drama at the University of Ibadan; Jane Plastow, Professor of African Theatre, University of Leeds; Yvette Hutchison, Associate Professor, Department of Theatre & Performance Studies, University of Warwick

Martin Banham 作者作品表

African Theatre 14: Contemporary Women (paperback)

African Theatre 13: Ngugi wa Thiong'o and Wole Soyinka (Paperback)

African Theatre (Paperback)

African Theatre (Paperback)

History of Theatre in Africa (Paperback)

Cambridge Guide to African and Caribbean Theatre (Paperback)

African Theatre: Southern Africa (Paperback)

African Theatre in Development (Paperback)

Contemporary African Plays (Paperback)

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