Afghan Faces (hardcover)
作者: John Casson 
書城編號: 985304

原價: HK$550.00
現售: HK$522.5 節省: HK$27.5

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出版社: Gilgamesh Publishing
出版日期: 2018/03/13
ISBN: 9781908531384


The wonderful and photogenic people of Afghanistan are not always understood by an outside world used to seeing images of the country's ongoing and painful conflict. This book offers the reader a unique insight into the people of this troubled country.

Producing Afghan Faces was a huge challenge involving a high risk visit to Afghanistan in August 2010 for John Casson and professional photographer Jeremy Rata. There they joined former ITN reporter and presenter of News At Ten, Sandy Gall, who has written the foreword to the book. During their visit, the team faces the harrowing scene of a terrorist attack that had taken place just a few hours earlier.

John Casson 作者作品表

Afghan Faces (hardcover)

Sir Henry Neville Was Shakespeare (Paperback)

eBook: Drama, Psychotherapy and Psychosis: Dramatherapy and Psychodrama with People Who Hear Voices (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Drama, Psychotherapy and Psychosis: Dramatherapy and Psychodrama with People Who Hear Voices (DRM PDF)

eBook: Drama, Psychotherapy and Psychosis: Dramatherapy and Psychodrama with People Who Hear Voices (DRM PDF)

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