Western Civilization in a Global Context: The Modern Age: Sources and Documents (hardcover)
作者: Kenneth L. Campbell 
書城編號: 986672

售價: $2200.00

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出版社: Bloomsbury Academic
出版日期: 2015/11/05
重量: 0.84 kg
ISBN: 9781472529473


Western Civilization in a Global Context is a source collection that introduces a comparative element to the study of Western civilization, offering students an opportunity to explore non-Western perspectives. An interesting and provocative set of readings are included, from a range of primary sources, including official documents, historical writings, literary sources, letters, speeches, interviews as well as visual sources. These different sources are carefully selected with a view to generating class discussion and to provide students with a sense of the different approaches historians might take to understanding the past.

Volume II covers the modern period, from the Enlightenment to the 21st century, including sources that help gain insight into the political, social, religious, cultural and intellectual history of this period. Topics covered include:

- The American and French Revolutions
- The Age of Nationalism
- The New Imperialism
- Two World Wars and the Interwar Crisis
- The Cold War
- Decolonization

To aid student engagement and understanding, the book begins with a guide to using primary sources and includes questions for discussion throughout. Western Civilization in a Global Context is the ideal companion for students who want to explore the contribution of non-Western cultures, and gain a more thorough understand the complex history of the world as a result.

Kenneth L. Campbell 作者作品表

Western Civilization in a Global Context: The Modern Age: Sources and Documents (paperback)

Western Civilization in a Global Context: Prehistory to the Enlightenment: Sources and Documents (paperback)

Western Civilization in a Global Context: The Modern Age: Sources and Documents (hardcover)

Western Civilization in a Global Context: Prehistory to the Enlightenment: Sources and Documents (hardcover)

eBook: Western Civilization: A Global and Comparative Approach: Volume II: Since 1600 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Western Civilization: A Global and Comparative Approach: Volume II: Since 1600 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Western Civilization: A Global and Comparative Approach: Volume I: To 1715 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Western Civilization: A Global and Comparative Approach: Volume I: To 1715 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Windows into Men's Souls: Religious Nonconformity in Tudor and Early Stuart England (DRM PDF)

eBook: Windows into Men's Souls: Religious Nonconformity in Tudor and Early Stuart England (DRM EPUB)

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