From 1964 until his death, the internationally celebrated German painter J rg Immendorff (1945-2007) created a vast body of figurative, surrealistic and often political paintings. His entire oeuvre has now been documented in a three-volume catalogue raisonn (volume one: 1964-82, volume two: 1983-98, volume three: 1999-2007). The catalogues reproduce each of his works, accompanied by a commentary and documentation of the work's provenance. The third volume will be published first. It presents Immendorff's final paintings, created at a time when the artist suffered from the neurodegenerative disorder ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). In order to continue working, he discovered new ways of painting, supported by assistants. This period is distinguished by the extraordinary compositions that resulted, reflecting Immendorff's thoughts on death, memories of his early period working with Joseph Beuys at the Arts Academy in D sseldorf and his early encounters with key movements of the time.