Small-Batch Disciplemaking: A Rhythm for Training the Few to Reach the Many (Paperback)
作者: David Sunde 
書城編號: 27308467

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Nav Pr
出版日期: 2024/02/06
重量: 0.24 kg
ISBN: 9781641588133

Recover Jesus' strategy of training the few to reach the many.

What if rather than funneling people through church programs, you invested in their growth? Would this kind of intentional investment help you discover a new kind of Christian purpose and spiritual legacy? And, what if you already have what it takes to develop your spiritual growth as a disciple while apprenticing others?

As Christians, we should all participate in spiritual leadership by seeking to make spiritual investment in the lives closest to us. It's time for us to move away from institutionalized, Sunday morning faith and toward a more relationally driven, culturally friendly, and doable approach to disciple-making. What you will discover is how discipleship is not about learning more but learning to give away what you already have in Christ.

Small-Batch Disciplemaking by David Sunde is a compelling field guide for Christians looking to make a difference in the world by sharing their faith. With practical and empowering strategies for navigating the intimidating Biblical mandate of making disciples, this book equips and empowers readers to
  • Grow in faith in order to give faith away
  • Learn intentional spiritual practices like hospitality, compassion, and gratitude
  • Confidently go out and make a difference in the world
Get ready for a deeply pragmatic, culturally informed disciple-making faith.
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