Zeus is a spirited rescue terrier filled with boundless curiosity and a heart full of courage. When his new family welcomes him, he has some anxiety. Will the change be good? Will it be fun? What if Zeus misses his friends, and what if he doesn't like his new home? Thankfully, he is armed with the power of Pawsitivity Thinking!Through twists and turns, Zeus learns to embrace every new adventure with resilience and joy, proving that with a wag of the tail and a sprinkle of alternative thinking, anything is pawsible. Zeus and his family discover that every challenge is an opportunity for growth, every setback a chance for development, and every moment an invitation to embrace the beauty of life s adventures.Zeus s tale helps humans understand the need to support individuals, particularly children, who experience frequent relocations or other disruptive life events. Change doesn t have to be scary; it can be the beginning of a great adventure. Get ready to be inspired by a spirited rescue pup and the people who love him.