Netter's Moving AnatoME (Paperback)
作者: Stephanie Marango 
分類: Anatomy  
書城編號: 1457450

售價: $430.00

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出版社: Elsevier Health Sciences
出版日期: 2019/04/17
尺寸: 235x191x17mm
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9780323567336
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Students and practitioners in the health sciences face a universal paradox: while preparing to be a caregiver to others, it's easy to lose sight of one's own health and well-being. Netter's Moving AnatoME: An Interactive Guide to Musculoskeletal Anatomy helps you meet and overcome this challenge in a highly personal, uniquely effective way. This movement-based, interactive resource encourages you to approach anatomy by moving while you learn, with expert guidance from online videos designed exclusively for students of anatomy. Both fun and functional, this experiential learning approach jump starts your personal commitment to self-care, wellness, and work-life balance by integrating academic material with real-life application.

  • Study anatomy as it relates to your own moving body: Understand the range of motion as you move your joints, notice the contours of muscles and bones under your skin, and feel muscles stretch between proximal and distal attachments-bringing anatomy education to life as you explore your own Moving AnatoME.
  • Approach the study of musculoskeletal anatomy from a mindful perspective-that of your own body movements as you learn from the print material and more than 40 videos online.
  • Benefit from a quick overview of structure and function, tips for personal and patient care, Practice What You Preach boxes, and Clinical Correlation boxes that link anatomy concepts to clinical presentation, physical exam, surgery, and related clinical situations.
  • Make the most of your study time by strengthening your anatomy comprehension and moving in the direction of increased physical awareness, self-care, and overall wellbeing.
  • Explore each region of your body joint by joint, assimilating knowledge through personal yoga and Pilates exercises that demonstrate the anatomy of each region.
  • Learn from authors, wellness educators, and yoga/Pilates instructors Dr. Stephanie Marango and Dr. Carrie McCulloch-physicians who are committed to bridging the gaps between movement and medicine.
  • Relax and have fun as you prepare and study for the challenging task of learning musculoskeletal anatomy, and gain practical tips for building healthy habits along your personal continuum of self-care.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
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