Theoretical and Practical Developments in English Speech Assessment, Research, and Training: Studies in Honour of Ewa Waniek-Klimczak (2022) (Paperbac
作者: Veronica G. Sardegna 
書城編號: 26364035

售價: $1700.00

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出版社: Springer Nature
出版日期: 2023/06/18
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9783030982201

This edited book presents and discusses theoretical, practical, and research developments in English pronunciation in order to establish evidence-based directions and recommendations for best practices in English speech assessment, research, and training. It features leading pronunciation experts from diverse contexts who share cutting-edge research and valuable insights. The collection consists of six parts. Part 1 introduces the aims, focus, and structure of the book, and describes its intended audience. Part 2 reviews, provides empirical evidence, and offers critical analyses guiding different aspects of English speech assessment. Parts 3 and 4 report empirical findings and research perspectives on the perception and production of English speech. Part 5 shares current practices in phonetic training and their effect on learners and listeners. Part 6 presents theoretical perspectives on the acquisition of phonology in multilinguals.
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