eBook: Unraveled: Unravel, Uncover, and Reveal Your Beauty (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Williams Rachel Williams 
分類: Self-help & personal development  
書城編號: 24893100

原價: HK$82.00
現售: HK$77.9 節省: HK$4.1

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製造商: Lulu Publishing Services
出版日期: 2020/12/28
ISBN: 9781483480213

Are you rushed, super busy and over committed? Do you find yourself downplaying your beauty, or not see that you are beautiful at all? Are you tired of measuring yourself up to an impossible beauty standard? It is time to unravel. It is time to unravel the negative self- talk, the should have or have to's, and the beauty fears of the past, present and future. It's time to simplify. I have created powerful beauty techniques,The Clean and Press, Lorde Beauty Makeup Techniques, The No Mirror Challenge, The Face Workout and more. You will feel and look your best, and understand your unique beauty in a powerful, wholehearted and loving way through real life stories and reflections from myself and from other women and girls like you. Let's unravel. It's time to press play.
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