Ainsley's Mediterranean Cookbook (Hardcover)
作者: Ainsley Harriott 
分類: TV / celebrity chef cookbooks ,
National & regional cuisine ,
Mediterranean countries  
書城編號: 1652464

原價: HK$308.00
現售: HK$292.6 節省: HK$15.4

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出版社: Ebury Press
出版日期: 2020/09/01
尺寸: 252x192x24mm
ISBN: 9781529104677
>> 相關電子書

Travel the Med without leaving your kitchen.

Join national treasure Ainsley Harriott on his culinary journey through the Mediterranean discovering the very best recipes to cook back home.

Ainsley's Mediterranean Cookbook includes all the recipes from his major 10-part ITV1 series. Journeying through Spain, Sardinia, Morocco, Corsica and Jordan, Ainsley shows how easy and enjoyable it can be to make fresh, healthy, delicious meals.

From simple salads and dips to everyday favourites like pasta and risottos, satisfying meats, flavoursome vegetarian mains and light fish dishes, Ainsleys's recipes are perfect for a relaxed gathering of family and friends or hassle-free midweek meal.

Recipes include:
Corsican mint omelette
Moroccan vegetable and sesame seed parcels
Courgette, lemon and pecorino spaghetti
Butternut squash and sweet potato tagine
Nutty pearl couscous with feta and dates
Aromatic fish pilaf
Pasta shells with sausage, tomato and fennel sauce
Hazelnut and chocolate cake
Orange and cinnamon hot chocolate

Ainsley Harriott 作者作品表

eBook: Ainsley s Good Mood Food: Easy, comforting meals to lift your spirits (DRM EPUB)

Ainsley's Mediterranean Cookbook (Hardcover)

eBook: Ainsley s Mediterranean Cookbook (DRM EPUB)

Ainsley's Caribbean Kitchen (Hardcover)

eBook: Ainsley's Caribbean Kitchen: Delicious feelgood cooking from the sunshine islands. All the recipes from the major ITV series (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Feel-Good Cookbook (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ainsley Harriott's Friends & Family Cookbook (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ainsley's Ultimate Barbecue Bible (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ainsley Harriott's Low Fat Meals In Minutes (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ainsley Harriott's All New Meals in Minutes (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ainsley Harriott's Gourmet Express 2 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Top 100 Recipes from Ready, Steady, Cook! (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Just Five Ingredients (DRM EPUB)

eBook: My Kitchen Table: 100 Great Chicken Recipes (DRM EPUB)

My Kitchen Table: 100 Great Chicken Recipes (Paperback)

eBook: My Kitchen Table: 100 Meals in Minutes (DRM EPUB)

My Kitchen Table: 100 Meals in Minutes (Paperback)

Just Five Ingredients (Hardcover)

Ainsley Harriott's Low Fat Meals in Minutes (Paperback)

Fighting Fat/Fighting Fit: Eat Well-Get Active-Lose Weight

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