Emerging Technologies in Food Preservation (Hardcover)
作者: Santosh Kumar 
分類: Food & beverage technology  
書城編號: 25199687

售價: $2240.00

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出版社: CRC Press
出版日期: 2023/02/14
ISBN: 9780367675158
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Unlike other books on emerging food processing technologies that focus on the application to specific food types, this book discusses novel thermal and non-thermal preservation techniques that cater to the emerging consumers' demands for fresh, minimally processed foods, and for foods subjected to least severe preservation and processing.

Santosh Kumar 作者作品表

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eBook: Thermal Spray Coatings: Materials, Techniques & Applications (DRM EPUB)

Examining Employee Involvement and Stress Dynamics (Paperback)

Suduko game book (Paperback)

High Temperature Corrosion and Oxidation (Paperback)

Emerging Technologies in Food Preservation (Hardcover)

Women Entrepreneurship and Micro-Finance (Paperback)

Double Khassi / डबल खस्सी (Paperback)

Football Tournament (Paperback)

Sangh Aur Sarkar (Paperback)

Sangh Aur Sarkar (Paperback)

eBook: Recent Developments in Mathematical Programming (DRM PDF)

eBook: Recent Developments in Mathematical Programming (DRM EPUB)

Bharat Kaise Hua Modimaya (Hardcover)

eBook: Crop Breeding: Bioinformatics and Preparing for Climate Change (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crop Breeding: Bioinformatics and Preparing for Climate Change (DRM EPUB)

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