Farming: Growing the Food That Feeds Us (Hardcover)
作者: Amber Books 
分類: Photographs: collections ,
Food & society ,
Food manufacturing & related industries ,
Agriculture & farming ,
Natural history ,
Travel & holiday ,
Gift books ,
English ,
21st century ,
Europe ,
Asia ,
Africa ,
The Americas ,
Australasia, Oceania & other land areas  
書城編號: 25719910

原價: HK$280.00
現售: HK$266 節省: HK$14

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出版社: Amber Books
出版日期: 2023/06/06
ISBN: 9781838862558

Presented in a landscape format and with outstanding photographs of farming from every part of the planet, Farming offers a pictorial celebration of mankind's deep connection with the land that sustains us.

Arranged geographically, Farming explores the many types of farms and farming that exist today. See how farmers in Malaysia extract milky latex from the bark of rubber trees, used to make everything from protective gloves to vehicle tires; be amazed at the gorgeous stepped rice fields of Bali, where the traditional subak irrigation system is created around "water temples" and managed by Hindu priests; marvel at the vast corn and soybean fields of Ontario, much of it used for animal feed to support Canada's beef industry; learn about nomadic pastoralism in low rainfall areas such as Somalia, where herders move camels, cattle, sheep, and goats in search of grazing; explore the wineries and vineyards in Bordeaux, where more than 700 million bottles of wine are produced each year; and see how freshwater prawns are harvested for export in the watery deltas of Bangladesh.

Amber Books 作者作品表

Kittens (Paperback)

Puppies (Paperback)

Sharks & Underwater Predators (Hardcover)

Mountains: Great Peaks and Ranges of the World (Hardcover)

Aircraft of the Special Forces (Hardcover)

Farming: Growing the Food That Feeds Us (Hardcover)

Buddhist Myths: Cosmology, Tales and Legends (Hardcover)

The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Hardcover)

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