Splish Splash at the Water Park (Hardcover)
作者: Fran Manushkin 
書城編號: 27993084

原價: HK$227.00
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出版社: Picture Window Books
出版日期: 2024/08/01
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9781484693841

Katie Woo and JoJo decide to spend a rainy day at an indoor water park! From the wave pool to tasty treats, there's lots to love about the Happy Times Water Park. But there's one thing that Katie isn't so sure about: the Super-Duper Slide. Will JoJo help Katie face her fear of the big water slide?
Fran Manushkin 作者作品表

The Mystery of the Missing Moose (Hardcover)

The Mystery of the Box of Chocolates (Hardcover)

Flitter Flutter at the Butterfly House (Hardcover)

Soldiers and Sweets at the Ballet (Hardcover)

Crunch and Munch in the Apple Orchard (Hardcover)

Splish Splash at the Water Park (Hardcover)

Splish Splash at the Water Park (Paperback)

Flitter Flutter at the Butterfly House (Paperback)

Crunch and Munch in the Apple Orchard (Paperback)

Soldiers and Sweets at the Ballet (Paperback)

The Mystery of the Disappearing Treasure Map (Paperback)

The Mystery of the Fishy Canoe (Paperback)

The Mystery of the Box of Chocolates (Hardcover)

El Misterio del Cumpleaños (Paperback)

El Misterio de la Cachorra de Las Nieves (Paperback)

El Misterio del Arco Iris (Paperback)

El Misterio de la Noche Apestosa Y Espeluznante (Paperback)

El Misterio del Cumpleaños (Hardcover)

El Misterio de la Noche Apestosa Y Espeluznante (Hardcover)

El Misterio de la Cachorra de Las Nieves (Hardcover)

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