Make / Believe: We and They on a Digital Planet (Hardcover)
作者: John Hartley 
分類: Media studies ,
Press & journalism ,
Graphical & digital media applications  
書城編號: 28933910

售價: $1300.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Bloomsbury Academic
出版日期: 2025/03/06
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9798765128039

This book illustrates that mediated popular culture and science-based knowledge systems, entangled and compromised as both have become, are still a robust crucible for system change for the future when they combine forces.

Planetary crises require responses from everyone. This means that collective action is not simply a scientific or political problem. It is a problem of culture and media. But modern politics, journalism, and science were not designed for global climate action. They've divided humans into competitive and often hostile 'we' and 'they' groups. Identity, news, and knowledge are all weaponized. Culture makes groups, groups make knowledge, and knowledge makes enemies.

What can be done to prevent global conflict and the drift to war? Make/Believeturns to popular culture and social media to argue for an alternative storyline. While the Great Powers are making new enemies, emergent 'classes' - led by children - are using planetary connectivity to make new worlds. A digital planet generates new kinds of strategic stories for pan-human action, based on difference, intersectionality, and cooperation for a sustainable Earth system.

Make/Believeshows how alternatives to the 'Great Game' of global contestation are gathering strength in unlikely places, among women, children, lifestyle, and pop culture. Popular digital media literacy is now a prerequisite for the remediation of the planet.
John Hartley 作者作品表

Make / Believe: We and They on a Digital Planet (Hardcover)

eBook: How Green Are Your Eyes: The Broken Bottle, #2 (DRM EPUB)

How Green Are Your Eyes (Paperback)

How Green Are Your Eyes (Paperback)

Welcome to the Underachievers (Paperback)

Yorkshire Ditties: Second Series (Paperback)

Chapters on Holiness: Expository and Practical (Hardcover)

Chapters on Holiness: Expository and Practical (Paperback)

Yorkshire Ditties (Paperback)

Yorkshire Ditties (Hardcover)

The Broken Bottle (Paperback)

Seets i' Paris (Paperback)

Yorkshire Lyrics (Paperback)

Yorkshire Lyrics (Hardcover)

Out of Tune (Paperback)

Seasonal Adjustments (Paperback)

Collected Works of John Hartley (Paperback)

Yorksher Puddin: A Collection of the Most Popular Dialect Stories from the Pen of John Hartley (Paperback)

Yorksher Puddin: A Collection of the Most Popular Dialect Stories from the Pen of John Hartley (Hardcover)

Collected Works of John Hartley (Hardcover)

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