Salt Smoke Time: Homesteading and Heritage Techniques for the Modern Kitchen (Hardcover)
作者: Will Horowitz 
分類: National & regional cuisine ,
Preserving & freezing ,
書城編號: 1328415

原價: HK$308.00
現售: HK$292.6 節省: HK$15.4

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出版日期: 2019/03/12
尺寸: 198x128x21mm
重量: 1.16 kg
ISBN: 9780062427106


"The man best known for creating the smoked watermelon 'ham' has distilled all of his knowledge of foraging, preserving, smoking, salting, and more into... a perfect gift for anyone you know who's looking to get back to the land." - Grubstreet

A celebrated young chef hailed by the New York Times as a "fearless explorer," brings time-tested heritage techniques to the modern home kitchen.

Executive chef and owner of New York City's highly acclaimed Ducks Eatery and Harry & Ida's, Will Horowitz is also an avid forager, fisherman, and naturalist. In Salt Smoke Time, he explores ideas of self-reliance, sustainability, and seasonality, illuminating our connection to the natural world and the importance of preserving American stories and food traditions.

Drawing from the recipes and methods handed down by our ancestors, Horowitz teaches today's home cooks a variety of invaluable techniques, including curing & brining, cold smoking, canning, pickling, and dehydration. He provides an in-depth understanding of milk products, fishing, trapping seafood, hunting, butchering meat, cooking whole animals, foraging, and harvesting, and even offers tips on wild medicine.

Horowitz takes traditional foods that have been enjoyed for generations and turns them into fresh new dishes. With Salt Smoke Time, you'll learn how to make his signature Jerky and a host of other sensational recipes, including Smoked Tomato and Black Cardamom Jam, Fermented Corn on the Cob with Duck Liver Butter, North Fork Clam Bake, Preserved Duck Breast & Mussels with Blood Orange, and Will's Smoked Beef Brisket.

Complete with step-by-step line drawings inspired by vintage Boy Scout and Field Guides and illustrated with beautiful rustic photos, Salt Smoke Time is both a nostalgic study of our roots, and a handy guide for rediscovering self-reliance and independence in our contemporary lives.

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